Wolfram EdTech

Deliver richer, more engaging content and assess students’ understanding more deeply. Wolfram EdTech uniquely integrates chat and large language model (LLM) technology with comprehensive STEM computation and real-world computable data for all school subjects—enabling new levels of learning engagement, automation for assessment and richness of courseware at low cost.

 Trustworthy AI

While recent developments in chat and natural language AI are revolutionary, they are not a classroom solution on their own. Their tendency to invent false information, stray off-topic and bring their own assumptions and biases into the conversation present a risk in unfiltered deployment. Wolfram has worked with all the main LLM providers to create tools to control and direct AI models, ensure accuracy and provide context. 

UNITY INDUSTRY enables developers, artists and engineers across industries like automotive, manufacturing, goverment, architecture, energy and retail to build and deliver custom real time 3D experiences for augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mobile, desktop and web.

Educational Video Games

Incorporates interactive storytelling in the students mind’s and you can make the student feel sorrow or make him happy or laugh. Combine this with math, phisycs, chemistry, biology, etc.

You will have an emotionally involved student, overeager and ready to love learning.

Virtual labs

Schools are using virtual labs to engage students in learning through active participation rather than passive observation. You can simulate different scenarios and learn remotely from home.

Experiment a catapult throwing a ball. Students, teachers and academic institutions are eligible for FREE access to Autodesk software.


Interactive 3D views of electromagnetic phenomena.


Virtual Lab that models all three mechanisms of heat transfer – conduction, convection and radiation.


Simulate and play with water and air bouyancy forces. Pumps, tides, boats and pipes.


Let's Work Together!

Get in touch with us if you want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence, Serious Video Games, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Quantum Computing, our vision and how we can collaborate to bring the best of technology into this world.