Video generated by Artificial Intelligence

Simulating your robots with Webots

Webots is an open source and multi-platform desktop application used to simulate robots. It provides a complete development environment to model, program and simulate robots.

Computer Science: An interdisciplinary Aproach,

by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.

But what is a GPT? Visual intro to transformers.

Generative Artificial Intelligence focuses on creating systems capable of generating new content or data like:

1. Generative Text: Models like GPT-4 and Gemini can generate human-like text, such as articles, stories, or even code.

2. Generative Music: AI models can compose music or generate music based on user preferences and styles.

3.  Generative Images: AI can create images, artwork, or even deepfake images using generative models like GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks).

4. Generative Video Games: AI can be used to create game content, levels, characters, and even entire game worlds.

5. Generative Virtual Reality (VR): In the context of VR, generative AI can create virtual environments

and objects, or even simulate interactions.

6. Generative Augmented Reality (AR): For AR, generative AI can be used to overlay digital information or objects onto

the real world in a dynamic and context-aware manner.

Generative Artificial Intelligence focuses on creating systems capable of generating new content or data like:

Wolfram Language

Wolfram Language is a symbolic language, deliberately designed with the breadth and unity needed to develop powerful programs quickly. By integrating high-level forms—like Image, GeoPolygon or Molecule—along with advanced superfunctions—such as ImageIdentify or ApplyReaction—Wolfram Language makes it possible to quickly express complex ideas in computational form.

Wolfram makes ChatGPT smarter by giving it access to powerful computation, accurate math, curated knowledge, real-time data and visualization through Wolfram|Alpha and Wolfram Language.

By expanding on our original plugin for ChatGPT, Wolfram GPT delivers broad and deep coverage from chemistry to geography, astronomy to popular culture, nutrition to engineering, along with algorithmic code execution.

Evolutionary Design:

  • Inspired by biological evolution: Creates a pool of potential designs, then iteratively refines them based on set criteria.
  • Like breeding animals, it combines and modifies existing designs to create new ones.
  • Uses algorithms to evaluate each design against specified goals (performance, weight, etc.) and keeps the better-performing ones.
  • This process continues for multiple iterations, mimicking natural selection.
    More focused on achieving specific goals and optimizing designs.

Peter Bentley Professor UCL and Autodesk

Autodesk Generative Design:


  • More open-ended exploration: Starts with design goals and constraints, then uses algorithms to generate a wide variety of potential solutions.
  • Think of it as brainstorming with a computer program.
  • The software explores different possibilities based on the set rules and limitations.
    Designers can then review and choose the most promising options for further development.
  • Focuses on exploring a broad range of creative solutions and finding unexpected possibilities.

Generative Design in Revit offers key customizable use cases including Workspace Layout, Maximize Window Views, and Workspace Layout.

The Connection:


  • Evolutionary design can be seen as a specific type of generative design, where the generation process is heavily influenced by mimicking evolution.
  • Generative design tools often incorporate evolutionary algorithms for refinement. They both aim to automate parts of the design process, freeing designers to focus on creativity and decision-making.
  • In short, evolutionary design is like selectively breeding existing designs, while generative design is like brainstorming a wider range of new possibilities based on set goals.

Let's Work Together!

Get in touch with us if you want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence, Serious Video Games, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Quantum Computing, our vision and how we can collaborate to bring the best of technology into this world.