Video generated by Artificial Intelligence

“Artificial Intelligence won’t replace humans, but humans with A.I. will replace humans without A.I.”

Karim Lakhani – Harvard Business School

Transform your business with generative Artificial Intelligence.

“A.I. will enable us to do tasks that take 10 hours in 10 seconds”.

Jay Horine, JPMorgan.

Stanford U. founded the Institute for Human-Centered AI in 2019 to guide and build the future of Artificial intelligence.

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act


 Building on 35+ years of delivering tools for human R&D, education, enterprise and consumer applications, Wolfram technology has long been a component of intelligent assistants and other AI systems.

The 4 Steps to Building an Effective AI Strategy.


Step #1:

Define the problem/objectives and identify opportunities/enablers – what needs to be fixed first.

Step #3:

Create a roadmap.

Step #2:

Consider your timeline.

Step #4:

The 3 pillars: data, algorithms, and infrastructure.

Prompts for generative artificial intelligence.

How to use:



A prompt could be a question, a statement, or even a few words that the A.I. model uses to generate text. A detailed description of the image/video you want the model to create. Prompts for: Marketing, Business, Content Creation Writing, Web Development, Education, Teachers, Healthcare, Sales, Customer Service and E-commerce.

Write a game design document.

Explain why computer science is an experimental science.

Explain the artificial intelligence Act by the European Commission.

How to make money with virtual reality.

Write a proposal to implement artificial intelligence in the Los Angeles Opera.

Create a webpage for an artificial intelligence startup, creative with interactive elements.

Explain: Aristotle distinguished between things that are “better known to us” and things that are “better known in themselves”.

Generate business ideas.

How to make money playing a video game.

How to earn money.

Tell me the questions from Plato’s Republic.

Explain: ethos, pathos, and logos.

Improve: By investing in our company, you can help us build the future Artificial intelligence platform.

Proposal for Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Your Business

Explain Aristotle’s physics to an 8-year child.

Write a proposal for implementing artificial intelligence in a high school.

Write a proposal to make a video game to compare Aristotle’s physics and Newton’s Principia Mathematica.

Explain the love between a mother and her child.

Explain Artificial Intelligence to a High School student.

Make a proposal for generative music.

Explain Aristotle Physics Book I.

Write a proposal to make a Plato’s Republic video-game.

Write a proposal to implement artificial intelligence in the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

Explain Artificial Intelligence to an 8-year-old child.

Explain Artificial Intelligence to a College student.

Transform your business with generative Artificial Intelligence, serious Video Games, Virtual/Augmented Reality solutions, and Quantum Computing,

Images generated by Artificial Intelligente

Touch image to zoom in.

Let's Work Together!

Get in touch with us if you want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence, Serious Video Games, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Quantum Computing, our vision and how we can collaborate to bring the best of technology into this world.